

The sprinklers are designed for use in light and ordinary hazards. The temperature response is standard response (5mm glass bulb) and quick response (3mm glass bulb). The sprinklers come with compact design, glass bulb type, available in several different finishes and temperature ratings. The pendent sprinklers must be installed in pendent position, and upright sprinklers are to be installed in the upright position. Sprinklers are installed with adjustable or non-adjustable Escutcheon plates (also termed as Rosette plates). These are intended to be installed with finished ceilings. Escutcheon plate adjustment provides convenience in Pendent Sprinkler installation in case of areas with finished ceilings or walls

The Sprinkler operating device is state of the art heat responsive frangible glass bulb supplied by a world leader in this innovative technology. The glass bulb contains fluid which expands when exposed to heat. When rated temperature is reached, the bulb shatters and water flows through the sprinkler and strikes deflector, forming a uniform water spray pattern to control or extinguish fire.

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