AFO Fire Ball

AFO Fire Ball

Fire extinguisher balls are small shaped automatic fire extinguishers that can be thrown to the fire and dispense fire-fighting substances within 3 seconds. They are effective both passively and actively, i.e. mounted on the wall and/or thrown or rolled into flames. The loud noise that the fire extinguisher ball makes is useful in ridding the area of smoke. Fire extinguisher balls reduce the risk of fire by providing additional protection in areas where there is a high risk of Class B fires.

THE FIRE INDIA AFO’s Fire ball products release non-toxic and non-hazardous chemicals when activated, meaning humans, animals, the environment, and electrical devices won’t be harmed when putting out a fire with fire suppression ball. Fire extinguishing balls offer unique benefits and are often used in conjunction with other more traditional fire extinguishers to provide additional protection and coverage in homes and offices. Although it is not generally recommended that the device be used actively on a Class B fire, it can still be mounted for passive protection in areas where there is a high risk of Class B fires.

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