Fire Fighting And Training

Fire Fighting And Training

Fire Fighting And Training

A company is known for its quality services that it provides to the customers. THE FIRE INDIA is also known for its type and quality of services. We in coordination with our team members, aim to provide best quality services to our customers in the field of Fire and Safety solutions. Our quality services include:

Checking and maintenance of the product: Our responsibility is not finished after handing over the products to our customers. The main responsibility starts after it. Fire safety equipment is not often used. They are used only at the time of adverse situations. Thus it becomes very important to properly check the equipments and products after installation regularly. The maintenance of the products depends on the type of agreement that a customer does at the time of purchasing the equipments.

Training related to fire and safety: We not only sale products for fire safety. We also provide several trainings for this purpose. Our trainings include training related to evacuation, training related to the use of different fire safety products, training related to different types of fires and some basic tips related to fire fighting.

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